Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities (IDD)
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD)
Intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDDs) are disorders typically of the nervous, sensory, metabolic, and may or may not be degenerative over time. These disorders are usually present at birth and that negatively affect the trajectory of the individual’s physical, intellectual, and/or emotional development. Many of these conditions affect multiple body parts or systems. Intellectual and developmental disabilities must be diagnosed before a child turns 18.
Michigan Goal for IDD
Adopt and use the NCI performance and outcome measures to gain a better understanding of the experience of persons with developmental disabilities and their families who are served by the community mental health system and performance in key areas including employment, health, safety and community integration. NCI findings will be used in the department’s dashboard. The Behavior and Physical Health and Aging Services Administration (BPHASA) will use the information to help focus oversight activities and to guide quality improvement priorities and collaborative efforts that occur in partnership with the PIHP/CMHSP/Providers.