Substance Use Disorder (SUD)
Substance Use Disorder Communicable Disease Level 1 Training (SUD)
This training is required for all SUD professionals in the publicly funded service delivery system in Michigan. The training includes basic information on sexually transmitted diseases/infections (STD/Is), HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, and pictures of various STD/Is. A comprehensive approach to education is the most effective strategy for preventing infections in the substance using population and their communities, given the causal relationship between communicable diseases and substance use disorders. It is required that all publicly funded SUD programs assess each individual entering treatment for communicable disease risk and refer those who assess as high risk to appropriate services for testing and further education.
The Basics of Confidentiality of Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment
This training is based on the requirements of the Code of Federal Regulations Title 42 Part 2, and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. The regulations are intended to ensure that a person in substance use disorder treatment is not made more vulnerable because of the availability of their patient record than an individual with a substance use disorder who does not seek treatment. The strict regulations on confidentiality were put into place to encourage individuals to enter into treatment without fear of stigmatizing information being released. All records prepared in connection with treatment or referral for treatment are protected.
Recipient Rights for Substance Abuse Services
In Part I, participants will learn the definitions of terms commonly used in the Recipient Rights process, the rights of recipients that have been established in the Administrative Rules, and the primary components of the recipient rights process. These components include the prevention of violations, informal resolutions to violations and the identification of priority rights violations. Part II describes the roles and responsibilities of providers in Michigan, how to investigate a complaint, and the steps involved in the formal complaint process. It also outlines the responsibilities for all involved parties; clients, staff and programs. Part III of the training outlines the complaint processing and appeal procedure.
Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF)
This content is designed to provide an overview of the SPF 5-step planning process to guide the selection, implementation, and evaluation of effective, culturally appropriate, and sustainable prevention activities. The effectiveness of this process begins with a clear understanding of community needs and depends on the involvement of community members in all stages of the planning process. The five steps are guided by the principles of cultural competence and sustainability. The SPF is designed to help states, jurisdictions, tribes and communities build the infrastructure necessary for effective and sustainable prevention. Each step contains key milestones and products that are essential to the validity of the process. Focused on systems development, the SPF reflects a public health, or community-based, approach to delivering effective prevention. Though the steps of the SPF should look familiar to most prevention practitioners, the framework has four distinctive features: 1) it is driven by the concept of outcome-based prevention, 2) it focuses on population-level change, 3) it focuses on prevention across the lifespan, and 4) it emphasizes data-driven decision-making.