Course Overview

These training materials were created for the Autism Center of Excellence at Western Michigan University. This course has been developed to provide insight and information for those behavioral health professionals working with clients that are on the spectrum. This course is focused on providing information on those clients that are more apt to cause self-harm as a result of their behavioral health disorder. 

  • Credit Hours: MCBAP-R (1.5), MCBAP-S (0.0), Mi-CEC (0.0), Nursing (0.0)

Topics Covered

Understanding Injury and Autism Spectrum Disorder

This course provides research and visual examples of the prevalence of self-harm or injury in those clients with Autism or other behavioral health disorders. The course expert provides information on the biology and psychological principles that may affect cognitive ability and lead to harm.

Assessment and Treatment 

This course aims to provide behavioral health professionals with evidence-based best practices for the assessment process and development of treatment plans for these clients. It is important to note that these are best practices, but it is known that each client is different. Participants of this course should use these assessment tools to best determine the level of care.


What People Are Saying

I enjoyed reading this module. I believe I retain a lot more information when the subject matter is in a presentation, rather than a simple PDF.

- Gloria B.