Course Overview

These training materials were created for the Autism Center of Excellence at Western Michigan University. Content and format will be updated in the near future to address current accessibility standards. If you are unable to access the content in this section, please contact the imp support team for assistance.

Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis Part 5: Decreasing Behavior by Krista Kennedy, MS, LLP, BCBA is the fifth of a planned seven-part series providing Behavior Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis to direct care workers. Part 5 further explores how reinforcement decreases behavior and begins discussing how ethical considerations must be considered when utilizing strategies to reduce the behavior. It will take approximately an hour to complete this course.

  • Credit Hours: MCBAP-R (1.0), MCBAP-S (0.0), Mi-CEC (0.0), Nursing (0.0)

Topics Covered

Defining Decreasing Behavior

Participants of this course will be provided with the working definition of decreasing behavior in the framework of Applied Behavioral Analysis. 

Reinforcement, Compliance, and Extinction 

This course will cover the various effects that these three techniques can have on your clients. This course will also provide evidence-based best practices on using extinction in regards to providing time outs for your clients. 

The Do's and Dont's of Time Outs

Participants of this course will be provided with best practices on using Time Outs as a reinforcement tactic. The subject matter experts will provide examples and evidence-based tactics on the pros and cons of this tactic. 

Additional Considerations

Lower order motor actions (i.e., stereotyped movements, repetitive manipulation of objects, and repetitive forms of self-injurious behaviors) are characterized by repetition of movement, and more complex or “higher order” cognitive behaviors (i.e., compulsions, rituals and routines, insistence on sameness, and circumscribed interests) are characterized by a rigid adherence to some rule or mental set.

Course Objectives

  • Discuss how reinforcement is used to decrease behavior
  • Learn tactics for teaching compliance
  • Define Extinction and how it relates to Time Out
  • Discuss Time Out: the "Do's and Dont's"
  • Understand ethical considerations that must be made when using strategies to reduce behavior

What People Are Saying

I enjoyed the online module. It provided very helpful information and structure on this topic and how to implement it.

- Sam S.