Course Overview

These training materials were created for the Autism Center of Excellence at Western Michigan University. This course has been developed for behavioral health professionals to gain an understanding of when and how the medication should be used to assist in the treatment of those clients with Autism Spectrum Disorder. 

This course will be updated in the near future to address current accessibility standards. If you are unable to access the content in this section, please contact the imp support team for assistance.

  • Credit Hours: MCBAP-R (1.0), MCBAP-S (0.0), Mi-CEC (0.0), Nursing (0.0)

Topics Covered

Understanding the Use of Medication and Autism

This course provides participants with a brief overview of the use of medication to help with the overall treatment of those clients with Autism. It is important to note and is echoed throughout this course that medication does not treat or prevent Autism, but is rather used to treat the aberrant behavior associated with the disorder. 

Concerns for Medication Use

This course provides an objective look into using medication to treat behavior and offers participants a frank discussion into why medication should or should not be used with autistic clients. 

Addressing Parents Prior to Medication Referrals

The later sections of this course provide meaningful information regarding how to communicate the potential use of medication to treat their child. This course will also provide tips on communicating with parents that are for, or against using medication. 

What People Are Saying

I felt that this module not only solidified that knowledge that I have obtained, but the information was presented in a way that it added to my knowledge of and about this subject matter.

- Audrey  D.