Infants & Children (IC) Core Competencies for Children's Mental Health Supervisors
This course was created and provided by the Virtual Center of Excellence (VCE), a former project of the Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network (DWIHN). Content and format will be updated in the near future to address current accessibility standards. If you are unable to access the content in this section, please contact the imp support team for assistance.
Core Competencies for Children's Mental Health Supervisors - Train the Trainer Booster is intended to provide an annual refresher for Children's Supervisors that have completed the live full-day train-the-trainer session offered annually. The following topic areas are reviewed: (1) Strength-Based Assessments; (2) Family-Centered Planning; (3) Safety & Crisis Planning; and (4) Writing Measurable Goals & Objectives.
Strength-Based Assessments.
This course has been developed to provide a refresher-type introduction for supervisors to re-familiarize themselves with providing strength-based assessments. This course provides a brief introduction to SBA tactics.
Family-Centered Planning.
This course provides the participants with a basic introduction to the family-centered planning framework. It is important to note that this is just a refresher course and, if needed, participants should enroll in additional family-centered planning courses.
Safety & Crisis Planning.
The course experts that developed this course for supervisors to provide them with important information regarding safety and crisis planning tactics. These tactics should be communicated to your staff, clients, and clients' larger support networks, in order to better serve your clients.
Writing Measurable Goals & Objectives.
For supervisors and managers, creating goals and objectives that are accurate and obtainable. This course provides basic best practices for developing these goals and objectives.
Strength-based practices are used in the workforce and as a way of energizing and creating dynamic teams. Many of the principles you use can be applied in multi-faceted ways.
- Gain additional understanding of how to identify and build upon a strength assessment.
- Refresh your skills as a trainer on how to inform your staff on the best practices in strength assessments and building on the strengths that you find in your clients.

Angela Brenz
Angela Brenz, LMSW, is the current Group and Intern Development supervisor at Starfish Family Services. She oversees all aspects of training and professional development for Masters level students entering the workforce. Ms. Brenz joined Starfish Family Services in 2004 and until recently served as the supervisor of the home-based program at that agency. Under her leadership, Starfish created and implemented its current Intensive Home Based model utilizing the IICAPS model from Yale University. Ms. Brenz also received and implemented a Flinn Foundation grant that pioneered the delivery of Family Psychoeducation to mood disordered youth in Wayne County. She is a Master trainer in that model and continues to oversee the implementation of MF-PEP with this population. Ms. Brenz also served as the Adolescent Multi-Family Group initiative coordinator for Wayne County, and has spearheaded system-wide efforts to bring the MF-PEP model to youth suffering from mood disorders in our community. Ms. Brenz is currently an adjunct member of the faculty at the Oakland University.

Diane Hayward
Diane Hayward, LMSW, ACSW, supervises the Home Based, Intensive Home Based, and School Based Programs at Starfish Family Services. She has been a therapist for 23 years, working as an Outpatient Therapist, Home Based Therapist, and Wraparound Facilitator. Ms. Hayward is a Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapist specializing in Trauma therapies. Ms. Hayward writes and facilitates trainings for therapists, case managers, teachers and clergy.
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The course flowed smoothly. I appreciated the mini quizzes in the lecture to help make sure I was understanding concepts before moving on to new concepts."