Course Overview

This course was created and provided by the Virtual Center of Excellence (VCE), a former project of the Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network (DWIHN). Content and format will be updated in the near future to address current accessibility standards. If you are unable to access the content in this section, please contact the imp support team for assistance.

Created by Anne Brantley Segall, LMSW, BCD, this course explores the epidemiology of adolescent suicide, including sociocultural and familial risks, as well as treatment issues. This would be appropriate for NBCC, CMHP, QMHP.

  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Credit Hours: MCBAP-R (2.0), MCBAP-S (0.0), Mi-CEC (0.0), Nursing (0.0)

Topics Covered

Understanding Your Clients.

This course has been designed for behavioral health professionals working with adolescent clients that may be experiencing suicidal behavior or symptoms. This course provides important information for direct care workers that is backed up by evidence-based research.

Adolescents Versus Adults. 

It is important for direct care workers to understand that there may be biological and psychological differences between adolescent and adult clients. This course is focused on those adolescent clients and provides the course participants with best practices for working with your adolescent clients. 

Triggers and Warning Signs. 

This course does provide information regarding potential triggers and warning signs direct care workers should be on the lookout for. Again these are going to be backed up by evidence-based research. 

Additional Considerations

National Suicide Prevention month is in September. 

Course Objectives

  • Learning what is different when working with an adolescent who is actively suicidal.
  • Understanding the developmental differences between an adolescent and adult in this state.
  • Assessing for potential issues with your clients.

What People Are Saying

I felt that this module not only solidified that knowledge that I have obtained, but the information was presented in a way that it added to my knowledge of and about this subject matter.

- Audrey  D.