Course Overview

This lesson will explore successful implementation and sustainability through the Open Systems Model and Fixsen’s Six Stages of Implementation, and how they can be applied to the implementation of Motivational Interviewing. Successful implementation consists of six core components that are listed in this lesson. Multiple opportunities are provided for you to test your knowledge and understanding throughout this lesson.

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Credit Hours: MCBAP-R (0.0), MCBAP-S (1.0), Mi-CEC pending - under review, Nursing (0.0)
This module has been designed to conform to the WCAG 2.0 AA accessibility standards.

Topics Covered

Supervisors Purpose

As supervisors, our purpose is to ensure that the organizational mission is achieved. The Open Systems Theory helps us to characterize our organization's purpose or mission. We ask you to write down five other purposes and compare them with the many possible answers provided. We look at ways to reflect on our organization's mission (key questions) and our place in that mission.

Open Systems Theory

Open Systems Theory describes transformational change systems, such as organizations, that interact with the larger environment. Organizations exist to transform raw material or people from one thing into a final product. In the Open Systems Theory, the process of transforming raw material into a final product includes inputs, transformation, outputs, and a feedback loop. We explore each of these parts of the Open Systems Theory in greater detail and provide an opportunity for you to test your understanding.

Fixsen’s Six Stages of Implementation

Successful implementation of evidence based practices is a process that consists of six stages that were identified by Fixsen. The six stages include initial exploration, installation, initial implementation, full implementation, innovation, and sustainability. We thoroughly explore these six stages of implementation and their application to the implementation of MI. Multiple opportunities are provided for you to test your understanding throughout the six explanations. 

Additional Considerations

Please Note : As part of our content licensing agreement, these Motivational Interviewing courses are intended only for those practicing or providing services in Michigan, and only provide CEUs valid to Michigan providers. By enrolling in these courses you certify that you meet this criteria.

Course Objectives

  1. Define and use the Open Systems Model of organization to locate Motivational Interviewing (MI) in the organizational environment.
  2. List and define Fixsen’s Six Stages of implementation and apply them to the Implementation of MI.

What People Are Saying

The course gave me a better understanding of the difficulties consumers endure concerning the stigma and prejudice of dealing with a mental illness.

- Rick L.