Working With Community Partners The Benefit of Evidence-Based Treatment for OUD in a Correctional Facility
The overall goal of this course is to explore the evidence-based benefits of medicated assisted treatment (MAT) programs for those with an opioid use disorder in the criminal justice system. By the end of this course, you will understand how MAT programming enhances safety and security within the correctional facility; specifically, best practices for harm reduction. This course provides you with knowledge on how to best advocate for those that you work with within a correctional facility.
- How our use of language impacts both positively and negatively our interactions with people who use substances.
- How jail programming helps far more than just the person who is involved with programming.
- What is MAT programming and what common medications are used with a MAT program.
- How do psychosocial services impact MAT services in a jail.
- What laws protect an individuals access to MAT programming in a jail.
- What is your feelings about providing MAT treatment to individuals who are housed in your local jail?
- In what ways does a jail operating a MAT program contribute to the safety and security of all others inside the facility?

Dr. Erin Madden
Dr. Madden is a faculty member in the Department of Family Medicine and Public Health Sciences at Wayne State University School of Medicine. Her research explores healthcare access among marginalized populations, substance use, harm reduction, and social factors affecting healthcare for people who use drugs.
Dr. Madden has published research on primary care programs for people with co-occurring mental and substance use disorders, racial and ethnic differences in naloxone prescriptions, stigma related to substance use and harm reduction, and professional attitudes towards medications for opioid use disorders. She also specializes in interdisciplinary qualitative and mixed methods research and community-engaged research.
Dr. Madden received her doctorate in medical sociology from the University of Wisconsin Medicine, and her master of public health degree from the University of New Mexico School of Medicine.

Mindy Vincent
Clinical Social Worker
Mindy Vincent is a licensed clinical social worker specializing in mental health and addiction treatment and is the founder and executive director of the Utah Harm Reduction Coalition.
Mindy Vincent started the first legal syringe exchange in the state of Utah and has done extensive work in harm reduction drug policy opioid overdose prevention awareness and treatment. She continues to work to educate the community, stake holders, and policy makers, about the therapeutic substance use and harm reduction. She is certified in several cognitive behavioral and trauma therapies.
Mindy Vincent is also the host of the podcast Therapeutic Madness and owns a private practice, Life Changes Counseling in Herber City, Utah. She received her bachelors degree from Utah Vale University, and earned her Master of Social Work and her Master of Public Administration from the University of Utah.
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What People Are Saying
The course flowed smoothly. I appreciated the mini quizzes in the lecture to help make sure I was understanding concepts before moving on to new concepts."