Caring Sheets

The Dementia Care Series, Caring Sheets: Thoughts & Suggestions for Caring, are edited and produced by Eastern Michigan University Alzheimer's Education and Research Program for the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. Click on any title to download that Caring Sheet in PDF format. Feel free to copy and share the Caring Sheets. Please include the credit and citation information.

Please note: The following Caring Sheets are currently unavailable:  #3, #15, #16, #20.

Caring Sheet List

  1. Caring Sheet #1: The Healthy Brain and Cognition: S. Weaverdyck
  2. Caring Sheet #2: Brain Changes and the Effects on Cognition: S. Weaverdyck
  3. This Caring Sheet is currently unavailable
  4. Caring Sheet #4: Moving Persons with Dementia? Suggestions for the Physical Environment: D. deLaski-Smith
  5. Caring Sheet #5: Moving Persons with Dementia? Suggestions for Family and Staff to Ease the Way: L. Struble & D. deLaski-Smith
  6. Caring Sheet #6: Moving Persons with Dementia? Tips Regarding Behaviors to Ease the Way: L. Struble
  7. Caring Sheet #7: The Bedroom: Suggestions for the Physical Environment: D. deLaski-Smith
  8. Caring Sheet #8: The Bathroom: Suggestions for the Physical Environment: D. deLaski-Smith
  9. Caring Sheet #9: Resources: The Physical Environment: D. deLaski-Smith
  10. Caring Sheet #10: Communicating with Health Care Providers: A. Wittle & S. Weaverdyck
  11. Caring Sheet #11: Alzheimer’s Disease: A Summary of Information & Intervention Suggestions: S. Weaverdyck
  12. Caring Sheet #12: Dementia with Lewy Bodies: A Summary of Information & Interventions: S. Weaverdyck
  13. Caring Sheet #13: Frontotemporal Dementia: A Summary of Information & Interventions: S. Weaverdyck
  14. Caring Sheet #14: Helping with Daily Tasks: S. Weaverdyck
  15. This Caring Sheet is currently unavailable
  16. This Caring Sheet is currently unavailable
  17. Caring Sheet #17: Safety after Hip Surgery: Tips for Preventing Complications: B. Atchison
  18. Caring Sheet #18: Transferring Persons with Dementia: D. Dirette
  19. Caring Sheet #19: Intervention Suggestions for Frontal Lobe Impairment: S. Weaverdyck
  20. This Caring Sheet is currently unavailable
  21. Caring Sheet #21: Questions about a Person's Cognition: An Assessment checklist: S. Weaverdyck
  22. Caring Sheet #22: Questions about the Environment: An Assessment checklist: S. Weaverdyck
  23. Caring Sheet #23: Questions about Caregiving: An Assessment checklist: S. Weaverdyck
  24. Caring Sheet #24: Questions about the Task & Daily Routines: An Assessment checklist: S. Weaverdyck